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Altar Serving

Our Lady of Perpetual Help
635 Tranquille Road
Kamloops, BC V2B 3H5
Nathan Bruneau
250 320 3512



Altar Servers assist the Priest during the celebration of Holy Mass and other liturgical functions. Altar Servers, boys, and girls, play an important role and enhance the Mass experience by ensuring tasks are completed efficiently and reverently. Kindly, encourage your children and instill a strong desire to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. By assisting the priests and helping to lead the worship of the whole parish they stand as witnesses of our Eucharistic faith.

Always bear in mind that being an altar server means something much more than helping the priest during the celebration of Mass. It also indicates that you are someone very special and unique to Jesus, for he is the One you are really serving. You are his friend. He knows who you are; he knows you by name and he is happy that you have chosen to serve him at his altar where his Sacrifice on the Cross becomes present, and the bread and wine become his Body and Blood.

Thus, being close to Jesus and knowing him in the celebration of the Eucharist through your service at the altar, empowers you to open yourselves to others, to serve them as well.


Assist the Priest at liturgical celebrations.



Candidate should fulfill the following requirements:

1. Registered, practicing members of the parish, have already made First Holy Communion,

and regularly attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

2. Altar Servers should get prior permission from the parents to join this ministry.

3. Have a strong desire to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

4. Must attend training sessions, should be available for the mass scheduled for.

5. Have memorized and are able to execute all the prayers, gestures, positions, actions, and

responses for Mass, so you also fully participate in the Mass.



1. Reverent while serving, so to be a prayerful example (and not a distraction) for the congregation.

2. Attentive and a full participant in the Mass (not daydreaming, yawning, or falling asleep).

3. Remember the Mass is the most beautiful prayer, and your actions will have the most meaning if they come from your personal prayer during Mass.

4. Graceful and smooth while walking and bowing (don’t fumble and stumble).

5. Upright by maintaining good posture while walking, sitting, and kneeling.

6. Anticipatory by anticipating what might happen next in the mass, or if something is needed (missing).

7. Collaborative and able to work together in a team. Should be committed.

8. Prayerful and be able to facilitate the public expression of shared prayer.



Time Commitment: Initial 2-hour Saturday training session, ½ hour before Sunday Masses whenever you have assigned to be Altar server, available for occasional extra sessions for special liturgies.

Your Ministry is incredibly special, and we hope that you will remain in it throughout high school. 

We need seasoned Servers to be models to our new Servers and continue to lift our congregation in prayer by your prayerful example. Please let us know if you ever have any concerns or difficulties, as we want to support you if there is any way that we can.

Besides Sunday Holy Mass, there will be various events during the year, such as an Altar Server Retreat or the Corpus Christi Procession, Solemnities and Holy Days of Obligation. You will be invited to serve at the Altar for Mass, scheduled by the Altar Server coordinator.


2 years, renewable


Standard parish orientation, ministry-specific training provided by Altar Server coordinator and the Pastor. By observation and serving with senior altar server



Church Altar, Sacristy, Parish Hall, Field Trips


SUPERVISION - Altar Server Coordinator and Parish Priest



May 03, 2021, Pope Francis gives advice to altar servers asking them to be particularly careful when serving at Mass to always behave in a way that is fitting in the service of holy things, especially when they are near the altar, but also when they make the sign of the cross, kneel or are joining in the prayers and hymns.


“Put all the enthusiasm of your age into your encounter with Jesus....Offer Jesus your hands, your thoughts and your time, and he will not fail to reward you, granting you true joy and making you feel where the most complete happiness is found.” - Pope Francis to Altar Servers

If you need any assistance, or have any complaints, don’t hesitate to tell your Altar Server coordinator or the Pastor.


If you are interested in being a part of this ministry or have questions about it, please contact the parish office.